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Bushfire Risk Management

Coterra have has strong partnerships with lead and well-respected Bushfire Consultants (Level 2 and 3).  Our team works closely with our land development clients, planners and landscape architects to plan, design bushfire and environmental (particularly interface) requirements for projects in accordance with State Planning Policy 3.7 Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (SPP 3.7), the Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (the Guidelines) and Australian Standard AS 3959 – 2018 Construction of buildings in bushfire prone areas.

The services we can provide our clients include:

  • Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) assessments including Simplified Method 1 calculations and Detailed Method 2 calculation which includes AS3959 vegetation classifications.

  • Bushfire hazard reduction and mapping including BAL contour maps in reference to any classified vegetation remaining within 100 metres of the assessment area which identifies suitable land for development based on the indicative BAL.

  • Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) which set out short, medium and long-term risk management strategies for the life of the development.

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