Industrial Approvals & Management
Coterra provides the following Industrial Approvals and Industrial Plant Management Support services:
Works Approval, Licence and Registration Applications: Coterra’s team has a substantial amount of experience preparing, lodging and securing Environmental Protection Act 1986 Part V approvals (works approvals, licences and registrations) for complex and large-scale manufacturing operations. Approvals have been secured for a broad range of industries including mining, construction, oil and gas, liquefied natural gas, chemical manufacturing, intensive agricultural industries and waste management premises.
Approval Management: Coterra’s team is able to prepare and lodge periodic compliance and monitoring reports required by approval conditions for Industrial premises. Coterra is also able to prepare, lodge and secure amendments to approvals for Industrial premises.
Environmental Risk Identification: Coterra is able to provide an assessment of potential project risks and develop strategies to reduce risks which may affect project design, outcomes and timeframes.
Environmental Due Diligence: Coterra can assist with a pre-purchase assessment of Industrial Premises outlining the potential environmental, hydrological, contamination, compliance and bushfire risks associated with the site and provide an approval strategy and potential management/mitigation requirements that may need to be considered and to assist in determining whether the future purchase is viable.
Environmental Appeals: Coterra can provide project advocacy and appeal application preparation, including reporting to and negotiation with the Office of the Appeals Convenor.
Planning Approval Support: Coterra’s senior team have provided technical support and have appeared at the State Administrative Tribunal for mediation and hearings in regard to environmental matters. We have also provided technical statements and client preparations for the Development Assessment Panel process.
Stakeholder/workshop facilitation and information: Coterra has extensive experience in stakeholder liaison including Federal, State, Local Government and facilitating community workshops.